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Rules & Regulations

Regarding Fee payment:

To smoothly run the system, the fee has to come on time except under exceptional conditions and that too with the pre approval of the school management. The school management allows the students to attend school because they do not want to hamper the future of the students but it becomes difficult for school to manage fee defaulters on regular basis. The amount due for different months and the last date for its payment are stipulated in the relevant payment schedule provided below-

1.    Fee is to be deposited by 15th of respective month. From 15th to 30th of that month the fee can be deposited with a late fee of Rs. 100/- After that fee can be paid till 15th of next month with a fine of Rs. 200  after which the name will be struck off the rolls of the school and Student will be readmitted only after clearing his/her dues along with late fee and re-admission charges of Rs. 1500/-

2.    Please write the Name, Class, and Admission No. at the back of the cheque.

3.    Fee booklet or fee chart for different quarters will be given along with the final report card of the student from next academic year ie 2021-22. 

4.    In case of doubt regarding the payment of dues, parents are advised to make the payment first and ask for a refund or clarification later.

5.    If a fee Cheque is returned for any reason, a fine of Rs. 500/- shall be charged in addition to late fee.

6.    Defaulters (on account of non deposit of fee or dishonor of fee Cheque) shall deposit the outstanding dues (inclusive of late fee/fine/Re-admission fee) through Pay Order/POS/online Transaction (RTGS/NEFT).

7.    Post dated cheques will not be accepted.

8.    Those availing the cycle stand facility will have to pay Rs.200/month

In case of refund or extra charges levied by the school, parents will deal directly with the School Accounts Office between 9.00 a.m. and 3.00 pm on any working day.

The fee payment schedule for the session 2021-22,  are now to be deposited for two months i.e.

1.    March-April

2.    May-June

3.    July-August

4.    September-October

5.    November-December

6.    January-February


1.    Punctuality and regularity in attendance is essential. Students who have been absent the previous day must bring a note of explanation through ‘Record of Non-attendance’ page of the almanac without fail. In case of illness a Medical Certificate should also be sent. Students who expect to reach home late after the school due to personal reasons must inform their parents/guardians in advance.

2.    Entry into school premises is not permitted before 7:30 a.m. Late arrival will be permitted between 7:50 a.m. to 8:00 a.m., only 3 times in a month.

3.    A minimum of 75% attendance is compulsory to be eligible to appear in the examination.

4.    Students must come to school in neatly laundered uniform and polished shoes. The hair should be trimmed and the nails must be cut regularly. Girls with long hair should make plaits. Skirts should be worn Knee-length.

5.    Students are not allowed to use school phones without permission.

6.    Respect for school property and school belongings is an absolute must.

7.    In the event of collective damage to school property in class room, the entire class will be charged the cost of damage. A vigilant outlook should be maintained towards keeping the surroundings clean. All waste papers should be picked up and thrown into the dustbin.

8.    Students are not allowed to leave the class without class out-pass and without permission of the teacher. While moving in between the classes in the corridors and while using the staircases all must keep to the left. Students should move in a way that no child is disturbed.

9.    A student must speak in decent language all the time. He must ensure that his speech is courteous and polite.

10.    Every student is required to carry the school identity card each day of the school.

11.    Students are expected to bring the books according to the time-table.

12.    Students are not allowed to receive private tuitions from the teachers of the school.

13.    Any communication sent in the school almanac must be acknowledged by the parent/guardian.

14.    While taking the examination every scholar should do so with utmost honesty.

15.    English is second language for most of us, but it is also a medium of instruction. In order to acquire proficiency in spoken English, all students must compulsorily converse in English in school (and at home as far as possible).

16.    A student must extend due courtesy and respect to all members of staff. Respect of elders and affection for juniors should be soundly inculcated. Every child is expected to uphold the name & honour of the school.

17.    Cheering and clapping are allowed on playground at appropriate times.

18.    Students must report any incident of bullying and ragging to the teachers immediately.


1.    Attendance in school is compulsory. Absence from school must be supported by a medical certificate. Excuse from school may be granted on compassionate grounds and on a case-by-case basis. All medical certificates or letters of excuse must be submitted to the Class Teacher immediately when the student returns to school. Absence without valid reason will be deemed as truancy.

2.    Parents need to apply for leave of absence for their child to the Class teachers/Vice-Principal/ Principal. Permission to leave school early may be granted only for special cases. His/her parent/ guardian will be contacted and his/her name will be entered in the Early Dismissal book in the General Office. Students may leave for overseas travel only during school-announced or official holidays.

3.    Students must be punctual for school, CCA and all school events. Students who are late for school i.e. after morning assembly are subjected to late-coming procedures which include a report slip before they are allowed back to class.


1.    Work with all your classmates and teachers to achieve optimal outcomes.

2.    All students must be punctual for lessons. Attendance will be taken before the start of each lesson.

3.    Students should not leave the classroom without permission by teachers.


School Uniform - In General

1.    Students must wear the prescribed school uniform and any change is strictly prohibited except alteration.

2.    Students must wear white school shoes or predominantly white (>95%) track shoes with white socks.

3.    If for any reason a student cannot wear shoes (e.g. blisters, in-grown nail, etc.), the Class Teacher must be informed with the support of a doctor’s recommendation or a parent’s letter.

For Boys:

1.    Prescribed school uniform must be purchased from the authorized vendor.

2.    Tapering of pants is strictly not allowed. The pants may be altered to the appropriate length only*

3.    Male students must be neatly dressed and clean-shaved. No facial hair is allowed.

4.    Hair must not touch the collar and must be sloped at the sides and rear. No sideburns and ducktails are allowed. The fringe must be above the eyebrows and should not be spiky. Hair when combed down should not touch the eyebrows or/and the ears.

5.    Hair must not be permed.

For Girls:

1.    Female students must be neat in appearance all times.

2.    Hair must be kept neat and tidy at all times.

3.    Fancy hair styling, tinting, dyeing, highlighting and bleaching of hair are strictly not allowed for all students.

4.    Long hair must be neatly tied up with simple black ribbons, hair bands and/or hair clips. Hair touching the shoulders should be well plated.

5.    Fringes must be above the eyebrows or pinned with black clips.

Physical Education/ Sports Dress

  • All students must wear the school sports attire during Games Period/ Sports activities.
  • All students must be in their appropriate PE attire when reporting and participating in their Co-Curricular activities.

Prescribed School Uniform and Sports Dress for Primary Students

  • Girls: Yellow T-shirt and blue Denim Skirt (at least mid-thigh length) with school logo, with white socks (blue strip) and black Shoes

                    PE Attire - White T-shirt and blue Denim Skirt (at least mid-thigh length) with school Logo with white socks (blue strip) and black Shoes

  • Boys: Yellow T-shirt and blue Denim shorts/ pant with school logo with white socks (blue strip) and black Shoes.

                    PE Attire - White T-shirt and blue Denim Shorts/ Pant with school logo with white socks (blue strip) and black Shoes

                   In winter –Red Jacket with school logo and woolen full sleeves T-Shirt and full Pant (For both Girls and Boys)

Prescribed School Uniform and Sports Dress for Primary and Secondary Students

St. R.C. Convent School
St. R.C. Convent School
St. R.C. Convent School
  • Girls -

 Primary students: Checked shirt with school logo and plain dark navy blue skirt (at least mid-thigh length) with white socks (blue strip) and black Shoes

 Secondary students: Checked Kurta with school logo and plain dark navy blue Pant with white socks (blue strip) and black Shoes

 PE Attire - House T-shirt (Red/Green/Yellow/Blue color) with school logo and white Skirt (at least mid-thigh length) with white socks (blue strip) and black Shoes

  • Boys: Checked shirt with school Logo and plain dark navy blue shorts/ Pant with white socks (blue strip) and black Shoes

PE Attire - House T-shirt (Red/Green/Yellow/Blue color) with school logo and white Shorts/ Pant with white socks (blue strip) and black Shoes

In winter –Blue Blazer with school Logo and Woolen full pant (For both Girls and Boys)


1.    Trinket, Jewellery, Henna, or Tattoos

2.    Objectionable literature or expensive items.

3.    Cell phones, iPods, CD, DVD, e-games, pen drives, cameras, music players, obscene materials etc.

4.    Crackers, fireworks, fire arms and any other inflammable material.

5.    Gift of any kind for distribution in school even for birthdays.

6.    Toys, any dangerous instrument, tobacco products, alcoholic drinks, chewing gum, banned food items.


1.    Irregular attendance, unjustified or unexplained absence, habitual late coming, leaving the school premises without permission, disobedience and any type of unruly and objectionable behavior.

2.    Writing, scratching, engraving graffiti, drawing and splashing ink or defacing the school walls, furniture and property.

3.    Gluing stickers and posters of any kind on the school property.

4.    Use of foul and unparliamentary language.

5.    Neglect of Homework, disobedience and disrespectful towards members of staff or bad moral influence.

6.    Buying eatables from street vendors

7.    Resource to use of unfair means during examinations.

8.    Making noise, talking loudly, shouting, hacking, booing, name calling, making cat calls, hissing, mocking and whistling, at any time.

9.    Participating in any incident of bullying and ragging.

10.    Being in restricted areas, ground, empty class rooms, secluded areas, behind buildings (when class is on and without permission.)

11.    Collecting money, contribution and donation without written permission of the Principal.

12.    Smoking in and around the campus.

Important: No parent or student shall give misleading facts/opinions or any blog(s) to website, social media channel(s) about the school, any teacher or student. If they are defamatory in nature or deemed to be so by the Internal Review Committee, it would be considered as a serious breach of Code of Conduct.


All our considerations are in favor of child, his or her safety, well being and good education. All rules have been framed keeping that in view.


1.    Students cannot be called to the school office to attend to phone calls during school hours.

2.    Parents are requested not to compel the teachers to give private tuitions to their ward as it is not permitted.

3.    All the Scholars personal record & medical history in duplicate must be filled by the parents and submitted to the class teacher on the 1st working day itself.

4.    The pupil’s Diary is to keep you abreast of the day to day progress of your child; his/her assignments and keep in contact with his/her teachers.

5.    The Diary should be checked every day and assignments completed by the child regularly.

6.    The class teacher should be informed if there is any change in address or telephone number. The changes should be recorded in the diary as well.

7.    Parents/Guardians are not permitted to enter classrooms to meet their children or to seek unscheduled interviews with teachers during school hours.

8.    Polythene bags are not allowed in the school.

9.    Any communication that parents wish to make with the school should be made on A-4 sheet and must be addressed to the Principal. E-mail is the most preferred form of communication

10.    Parents are requested to visit the school website/ Integral Web School regularly for updates (especially for non-scheduled holidays).

11.    Half days and short leaves are not granted to students.


1.    A student must not remain absent without prior permission of the Principal. A leave application is to be submitted for the same.

2.    If a student remains absent from school, due to illness or emergency, even for a day, the parent needs to fill in the ‘Non Attendance Record’ found in the school almanac.

3.    If the leave is for more than three days, the student needs to submit a leave application.

4.    Leave application and leave record should be duly signed by the parents or guardian.

5.    Leave will not be granted on the reopening or closing day of a term.

6.    Short leave will not be allowed (granted) to the children.

7.    Parents are requested not to send their ward to school if the child has to attend school only for few hours or for half day.

IX-Rules Governing Withdrawal (T.C)

Cancellation of admission by the school

    The head of the institution reserves the absolute right at his discretion to issue Transfer Certificate to any pupil if

    He is not satisfied with the general conduct of the student on the campus (or)

    The student is absent from the school campus without sanction of leave for more than a week during the session/term (or)

    The student is found to practice unfair means in tests and exams 1 the parents/ guardians fail to pay the subsequent installments of the school tee on time, their child ward is able to be withdrawn from school after giving due notice to the parent guardian regarding the same Under such circumstances the caution deposit will be forfeited and Transfer Certificate will not be issued till the dues are cleared.

    It is discovered at the later date that any of the information furnished by the parent guardian in the application form (including Medical History sheet) is false, the Principal has the right to cancel the admission H is found that the student does not put in the minimum efforts to score the qualifying marks for promotion in spite of the best efforts of his/her teachers. the Principal may terminate the admission of such students after issuing a warning

    In matter of admission and issue of Transfer Certificate the decision of the Principal is final and binding on the parents/ guardians of the student concerned

Withdrawal of child by parent/guardian

    Parent Guardians intending to withdraw their child /ward from the school should apply for a Transfer Certificate (T.C.)

    The application for Transfer Certificate should be made in writing by the Parent or the authorized guardian of the pupil, along with a fee of Rs 500

    Transfer Certificate will be issued to those students whose fees and dues have been fully paid for the academic year in which the TC is sought

    Application for Transfer Certificate should be made only in the month of February or March Applications for TC will not be accepted after March 31st or the last working day of the academic year

    Parents who apply for a Transfer Certificate after the above-specified date are liable to pay a term fee for the succeeding academic year.

    If a T.C. is sought during the culmination of an academic year, the certificate will be issued only when the regular school fees till the specific term is duly paid.

    Any verbal communication with the school staff regarding withdrawal of the child will not be considered.

    Parents applying for T.C. of their ward must inform the school within one week of the commencement of the session otherwise T.C .  will be issued only after the payment of one Quarter fee i.e April to June 

    Any parents seeking T.C during the mid session will have to clear the dues upto the quarter till which they have applied for T.C.

 For example – If the application for T.C has been submitted in the month of September, their dues till second quarter to be cleared i.e.  April to June (1st Quarter) ,July to September ( 2nd Quarter)


    Caution deposit will be refunded to parents/guardian when the student leaves the school on completion of his studies at school

    At the end of any academic year, if the parents/guardians from school on of the child wish to withdraw the child

    Upon being expelled from school on disciplinary grounds Caution deposit will be refunded to the parent/ guardian only at the end of an academic/accounting year. After March 31st Caution deposit will not be refundable during the currency of an academic year, except in the month of April

    Parents who withdraw a student after class IX will forfeit their caution deposit unless the school has a new admission as a replacement for the outgoing student in class X of the succeeding academic year If the parents fail to collect the caution deposit money within one year of the pupil's withdrawal from the school the amount will be forfeited Caution Deposit is refunded through cheques issued in favor of parent/first guardian of the student.

    Refunds are made on written requisitions by the parent/guardian - who need to personally collect - the cheque and acknowledge receipt of the same.